Let Peace Abound

By Rise Up Chorus (other events)

3 Dates Through Nov 20, 2023

Join Rise Up Chorus as we explore the gamut of social and personal relationships from conflict to enduring peace. This program helps us find hope for ourselves and our world through music and Community. Featuring both RUC's Adult Chorus and Youth Chorus. Please remember to bring a donation of non-perishable food items to benefit Feeding Middlesex County.

Music is more than just something that we "do."  Music is a deep part of who we are.  Music is personal, yet it is communal.  It brings people together in a way that nothing else on earth can do.  Yet, so many musical experiences fall short of building community.  So often it's not done in a way where there is a place for everyone and all are welcome.  The name "Rise Up Chorus" came from the idea of a phoenix "rising from the ashes."  We reimagined the traditional community chorus or children's chorus and have developed a musical experience with a focus on our musical community.